Data Structure


Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
buyer_nick String 东方不败 the nick of buyer Y
tid String 1234568 id of the trade,unique Y
status Number 1 trade status Y Y
payment Decimal 123.50 pay amount in actuall Y
discount_fee Decimal 5.00 discount amount Y
adjust_fee Decimal 200.07 adjust amount Y
pay_time Date 2000-01-01 00:00:00 payment time format::yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Y
end_time Date 2000-01-01 00:00:00 trade end time Y
total_fee Decimal 200.07 order amount Y
post_fee Decimal 200.07 post (Accurate to 2 digits);unit :Yuan。Example:200.07,represent :200 Yuan 7 Fen Y
consign_time Date 2000-01-01 00:00:00 seller deliver time. format::yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Y
received_payment Decimal 200.07 received amount Y
receiver_name String 东方不败 receiver name Y
receiver_state String 上海 receiver state Y
receiver_city String 上海市 receiver city Y
receiver_district String 浦东新区 receiver district Y
receiver_address String 张江路122号 receiver address Y
receiver_zip String 223700 receiver zip code Y
receiver_mobile String 13512501826 receiver mobile Y
receiver_phone String receiver phone number Y
buyer_email String buyer email Y
buyer_memo String 上衣要大一号 buyer memo Y
seller_memo String vey good seller memo Y
trade_memo String this is successful trade trade memo Y
created Date 2000-01-01 00:00:00 trade create time. format::yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Y
modified Date 2000-01-01 00:00:00 latest modify time of trade Y
buyer_alipay_no String buyer paid account number Y
order_num Number 2 children order number Y
item_num Number 10 item number amount in children order Y
cost_price Decimal 200.07 cost price(item plus transportFee) Y
gross_profit Decimal 200.07 gross profit(payment minus cost fee) Y
invoice_name String 上海云贝网络科技有限公司 invoice title Y
trade_from String WAP trade from(PC/WAP/APP) Y
pay_type String Alipay pay type Y
orders Order[] order detail information Y

Order detail

every item has one record in one trade

Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
oid String the children order number of merchant,unique Y
status Number 1 same with Trade Y
item_id String 123A8325 itemid Y
outer_id String A100087 merchant puter number (could link to outer system of merchant) Y
pay_time Date pay time yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss Y
payment Date 200.50 children order shared paid fee (Accurate to 2 digits) Y
sku_id Number 2135466 id of the item basic stored unit Y
sku_prop_name String 红色30码 SKU Name Y
outer_sku_id String abc56465a32 merchant outer Sku number(could link to outer system of merchant) Y
title String item title Y
price Decimal 200.07 item price(Accurate to 2 digits);unit :Yuan。Example:200.07,represent :200 Yuan 7 Fen Y Y
num Number 100 purchase number (value scope: integer above 0) Y
refund_status String SUCCESS refund status Y
total_fee Decimal 200.07 actual paid fee(item price* item number + adjust fee - counpon fee) Y
discount_fee Decimal 200.07 discount fee Y
adjust_fee Decimal 200.07 adjust fee Y
created Date order create time yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss Y
modified Date latest modified time yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss Y
cost_price Decimal cost price(item plus freight) Y
gross_profit Decimal gross profit (payment minus cost) Y
item_meal_id Number 2564854632 meal ID Y
item_meal_name String 双11组合 meal name Y
pic_path String item iamge url Y
order_from String PC order source from(PC/WAP/APP) Y

Buyer member information

Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
nick String bigwork member nick,login name,unique,such as Taobao Nick Y
birthday date 1990-01-01 member birthday Y
gender Number 1 gender 1:male, 2:female Y
real_name String real name Y
email String email Y
mobile String mobile Y
province String 上海 province Y
city String 上海市 city Y
district String 浦东区 district Y
address String 龙港镇炉头街 137 address Y
astro Number 1 constellation:1Aquarius,2Pisces,3Aries,4Taurus,5Gemini,6Cancer,7Leo,8Virgo,9Libra,10Scorpio,11Sagittarius,12Capricorn Y
sense Number sense state : 1 single,2 fall in love,3 engagement,4 married,5separation,6divorce,7secret Y
shengxiao Number Chinese zodiac:1rat,2 Ox,3 Tiger,4 Rabbit,5 Long,6 Snake,7 Horse,8 Sheep,9 Monkey,10Cock,11Dog,12 Pig Y
blood_type Number Blood Type:1 A, 2 B, 3 O,4 AB 5 other Y
created Date member first creaded date Y Y
status Number 0 status 0 normal ,1 forbidden Y Y
last_login_time Date last login time Y
grade Number 1 member grade : 1 normal 2 advanced 3VIP 4 Super VIP Y
qq String Y
weixin String Y
sina_weibo String Y
tencent_weibo String Y
reg_mobile String register mobile Y
reg_email String register email Y
reg_from String 微博推广 register source Y
alipay_no String alipay account(email or mobile) Y
out_uid String member number in original system Y
card_no String VIP3843947 member card number Y
store_name String 永达奔驰4S store from Y


Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
group_id Number 120055122 group id
group_name String 高级会员 group name(not unique)
group_from Number 0 static grouping: 0,dynamic grouping :1


Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
label_id Number 120055122 tag id
label_name String 肤质 label name(unique)
label_type String label Type
label_values String[] “1:dry”,“2:sensitive” selectable value,TypeString[], must be format of ID value:

JifenAccount information

Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
mobile String 13901010001 mobile Y N
uid String 9232450234 origin platform member number Y N
buyer_nick String 我是昵称 nick of Taobao (is null if member not bind on Taobao) N N
buyer_level Number 1 member grade Y Y
pre_balance Number 100 usable integral before change(using in integral change synchronized, is null when initialize a member) N N
balance Number 123 available integral after change Y Y
real_name String 张三 real name N Y
gender Number 2 1:male,2:female N Y
card_no String C320453258 member card ID N Y
store_name String 浦东4S店 store name N Y

JifenGiftOrder Record

Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
mobile String 1380188001 mobile
buyer_nick String 我是昵称 Taobao nick
send_time Date 2015-12-01 12:05:00 send time
tid String 324543266 order number
status Number 1 Taobao trade status(1:success,2:patted,3:paid,5:delivered)
title String 300元代金券 gift name
created Date 2015-12-01 13:05:00 gift patted time
pay_time Date 2015-12-01 13:06:00 gift paid time
remark String 首次绑定送礼品 memo in sellering goods
promotion_detail String {“tag_name”:”Birthday Concessional”} used concessional right Description
platform_tid String 32454326666666653753 Taobao order number(is null when not patted)
point Number 10 the point need to exchange gift
gift_id Number 123455666 gift id

UmpCoupon coupon

Name Type Example值 Description Required Modify
coupon_id Number 30188001 couponID Y N
title String 老会员618专享券 coupon title N N
denomination Decimal 5.50 coupon amount ,unit :Yuan,(exact to Fen) Y N
created Date 2016-06-01 12:00:08 couponcreate time N N
start_time Date 2016-01-01 00:00:00 validate begin time Y N
end_time Date 2016-06-20 23:59:59 validate end time Y N
condition Number 10000 using condition,unit is Fen,10000 represent you can use it if amount over 100Yuan Y N

CouponResult coupon send result

Name Type Example值 Description Required Modify
result Number sending result 0:success,1:failure Y N
buyer_nick String 东方不败 member nick
coupon_no String 132478314192 sended successful coupon number,could relate using coupon number in trade N N
reason String nick is not exist failure message,is null when success N N

UmpActivity marketing activity

Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
activity_name String 618休眠会员唤醒 activity name Y Y
channel_type Number marketingType 1:message,2:email(not support now),3:app Y N
begin_time Date ‘2016-06-03 12:00:00’ the start time of sending Y Y
activity_detail UmpActivityDetail {“sms_content”:””} activity detail Y Y
report_start Date ‘2016-07-04 00:00:00’ report monitoring begin time Y Y
report_end Date ‘2016-07-08 00:00:00’ report monitoring end time Y Y
target_num Number 100000 marketing number N Y
status Number 1 activity status,0:to be sended,1:sending,2:success,3:failed N N
created Date ‘2016-06-01 12:30:00’ activity created time N N
Modified Date ‘2016-06-02 10:00:01’ activity latest modified time N N

UmpActivityDetail of marketing

Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
filter_type Number 1 FilterType:0:not filter,1:same Type marketing filter Y Y
filter_days Number 7 repeat sending filter ,unit is day, Required when filter_type isn't 0.Example 7: will not send to one same member in 7days N Y
sms_content String 荷兰原装奶粉,18:00开抢 Message content,only for message marketing N Y
app_msg_content String 手机APP专享,首次注册送10元 coupon App message content ,only for APPmarketing N Y


Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
activity_id Number 723633943434 activity id Y N
targets String[] 13188888888,13866666666 activity target list,,message,email or app device id. Length is on longer than 50. Y N
is_last Boolean false is the last to market. If true added success. Activity will start in plan or will wait for the end of last marketing member install. Y N


Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
record_id String 723633943434 origin system shopcart record number Y N
buyer_nick String 东方不败 member nick Y N
item_id String 834399443032 itemId Y N
sku_id String AY932730 SKU ID N N
num Number 2 the number of item put in the shopcart Y Y
price Decimal 9.90 the price put in the shopcart N Y
created Date ‘2016-06-03 12:59:01’ the time put in the shopcart Y N
modified Date ‘2016-06-10 20:30:50’ the lasted modified time Y Y
status Number 1 status:0:normal,1:buyer delete,2:order delete,3:item out of stock delete,default 0 N Y

FavoritesRecord f

Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
record_id String 723633943434 origin system record number Y N
buyer_nick String 东方不败 member nick Y N
item_id String 309437503240 itemID Y N
price Decimal 9.90 the price put in the favourite N Y
created Date ‘2016-06-03 12:59:01’ the time put in the favourite Y N
modified Date ‘2016-06-10 20:30:50’ the latest modified time Y Y
status Number 1 status:0:normal,1:buyer delete,2:item out of stock delete Y Y

Item item information

Name Type Example值 Description Required Modify
item_id String 1223321 itemID Y Y
product_id String 232123 product ID N N
title String item title Y N
price BigDecimal 1.00 item price Y N
cid String 322212 categoryID N N
detail_url String itemURL Y N
created Date itemcreate time Y N
modified Date item latest modified time Y N
pic_url String image url N N
status Number 0 status 0.normal1.out of stock Y N
skus Skus skus information Y N
list_time Date Listing time Y N
delist_time Date out of stock time Y N
sub_stock Number store Y N

Skus itemskuinformation

Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
id Number Y N
name String Y N

ItemCategory itemcategory

Name Type Example Value Description Required Modify
cid Number 1135060674 categoryid Y N
name String 汽车养护 category name Y Y
parent_cid Number 1134060674 parent categoryid Y Y
is_parent Number 0,1 category is parent or not,, 0: is parent category ,1:no Y Y
sort_order Number 2 sort number ,sort the same grade category ,if alse same whill be sorted by name.value scope: integer above 0,default 1 N Y
status Number 0 category status: 0: normal;,1:deleted Y Y
created Date 2015-12-01 13:05:00 category created time in origin system Y N
modified Date 2015-12-01 13:06:00 category modified time in origin system Y Y